Each year, Sutera and our principal, Intergraph Process Power & Offshore sponsor events that provide an opportunity to learn about Intergraph CADWorx and Analysis Solutions (ICAS). For more information please select links to the event you are interested in.

[table width=”100%” colwidth=”20%|60%|20%” delimiter=”|” class=”table table-responsive”] Product|Topic|Date
caesar II|Customize user-shape symbol~~CAESAR II Workshop|10th Jan
pv elite|What’s New in PV Elite 2018~~PV Elite Workshop|24th Jan
cadworx|Education Event: Workshop for Process Plant Design, Engineering, Operation and Maintenance|29th Jan
cadworx|Familiarizing Yourself With CADWorx 2018 features and CADWorx Structure~~CADWorx Workshop|28th Feb
cadworx|Education Event: Workshop for Process Plant Design, Engineering, Operation and Maintenance|28th Mar
pv elite|PV Elite Training (KPOC Sabah)|16-19 Apr
pv elite|PV Elite Intermediate Level Training|24-26 Apr
cadworx|CADWorx Plant Professional Basic User Training (SA)|24-27 Apr
caesar II|The Challenge of Design and Engineering Collaboration|2nd May
cadworx|CADWorx Workshop: Leveraging “User Shape” with Custom End-Type to Get Realistic Model and Customization it in Your Isometric Drawing|24th May
Sutera Analytics Charity Event|Rumah Sayangan|12th May
Sutera Analytics Event|Hari Raya Open House|11th July
WQMS Workshop|WQMS Workshop|29th Aug
pv elite|PV Elite Workshop|26th Sep


Please contact us for further information at contact_us@sutera-analytics.com or +603-2303 1633.